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Câmara Municipal de Lisboa
LISBON: CITY OF CULTURE AND OPENNESS For a capital city, culture and openness are, at the same time, great distinguishing marks and irreplaceable factors of competitiveness and affirmation in the world.
Therefore, it is essential to consolidate and build, together with the communities, new centralities of culture – a culture that gives centers to the peripheries, without becoming secondary. We invest in cultural centers of proximity, which are simultaneously centers of citizenship, knowledge, learning and dissemination. We want to make culture accessible to the greatest number of people, through cultural facilities integrated into communities, such as municipal libraries, and ambitious and innovative educational projects.
For this, we invest in the articulation between the city council, the parishes, and the associative entities, among others. In all this, the work developed by artists, curators, producers and mediators in general, which we want to reinforce and value is fundamental. Affirming culture in a global city means taking an active and consequently cultural city policy. In addition to its own means, initiatives and instruments, it is necessary to identify, with discretion, and welcome, with merit, initiatives and projects of merit, supporting the different cultural agents of the city. It is also necessary to invest in collaborative networks and partnerships that rationalize resources, enhance synergies and internationalize contacts and opportunities.
Lisbon is an open, welcoming, tolerant city, a city where past and present meet and in that meeting the future is built. A city that was made and made of arrivals and departures, that wants to build bridges and not walls. It is a city that encourages and recognizes multicultural coexistence, multilingualism, ethnic and religious diversity as enriching. It is a city that fights against xenophobia, homophobia or other discriminatory fundamentalisms, claiming to be intolerant of intolerances.

The valorization of the arts constitutes a fundamental instrument in the dialogue and strategic cooperation between the State and the professional cultural sector of non-governmental initiative, which assumes a crucial role for the balanced development of cultural activity in Portugal. The Directorate-General for the Arts (DGARTES) is the body responsible for coordinating and implementing policies to support the arts, through the implementation of structural measures, such as promoting equal access to the arts; encouraging artistic creation, production and dissemination; and the international projection of Portuguese creators, producers and other cultural agents, thus playing a pivotal role in guaranteeing conditions for the stability, consolidation and renewal of the professional artistic fabric in Portugal, as well as for its internationalization.

Ministério da Cultura
Within the framework of the Portuguese Government, the Ministry of Culture (MC) is the grouping of services, organisms and structures under the supervision of the Minister of Culture. The latter, in turn, was the member of the Government to whom the competencies for the definition and execution of cultural development policies, the encouragement of artistic creation and the diffusion and internationalization of culture and the Portuguese language were delegated.