Our partners

Cultivamos Cultura
Cultivamos Cultura is a platform for experimentation and development of shared knowledge in the theory and practice of science, technology and contemporary art.
In other words, Cultivamos Cultura provides conditions to foster your creativity, organizes activities in the areas of production, dissemination, research, education and exhibition. It is also part of their mission to contribute a strong sense of cultural identity by fostering the generation of bonds with the local community and environment. CULTIVAMOS CULTURA hosts resident creators for periods up to 4 months and curates and produces art exhibitions related to new media and experimental art practices.

Instituto de Medicina Molecular de Lisboa
IMM is a biomedicine research institute integrated in the Academic Medical Center of Lisbon.

Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde
The i3S Association merges three institutes and researchers from several schools of the UPorto, thus consolidating an extensive collaboration between all institutions spanning many years.
The long-term collaboration between IBMC, INEB and IPATIMUP – the three founding institutes of i3S – encompasses joint projects, co-supervision of PhD students, sharing of large equipment and employment of research staff under coordinated policies. Six schools of the UPorto (FMUP, ICBAS, FMDUP, FCUP, FEUP and FFUP) and three hospitals (CH S João, CH Porto and IPO) also contribute to the activities of i3S. This wide participation of schools, research institutions and hospitals in a research institute is unique in Portugal and it is a valuable asset for science and technology development, while creating an environment that feeds real breakthrough research and translation of discoveries into the clinic. The building where i3S is headquartered, still fairly fresh as it was completed in 2015, is also a key element in the creation of this vibrant environment.

Instituto Gulbenkian Ciência
The IGC is a research institute devoted to biological and biomedical research, innovative training and to transforming society through science. It is part of Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, a perpetual foundation with charitable, artistic, educational and scientific statutory aims.

ITQB NOVA – Instituto Tecnologia Quimica e Biológica António Xavier
ITQB NOVA – Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier is a scientific research and advanced training institute of the Univerisdade NOVA de Lisboa. The mission of ITQB NOVA is to carry out scientific research and postgraduate teaching in life sciences, chemistry and associated technologies, for the benefit of human health and the environment.